BMCC Announces the Vocalists for the 2024 CompetitionPublished on 4/5/2024
We are immensely pleased to announce the vocalists who will be participating in BMCC’s solo vocal competition on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 2:00 PM at Bismarck State College.
The soloists who will be participating are as follows:
- Evan Anderson, Century High School
- Ben Herrington, Century High School
- Alexander Nelson, Century High School
- Cade Pittenger, Legacy High School
- Ben Hoke, Legacy High School
- Emma Kolling, Century High School
The competition will be held at Bismarck State College in the Leach Music Center in the large rehearsal room. The competition recital is open to friends, family, and the public. The winner of the competition will be awarded a $1000 scholarship to attend the school of their choice.